Friday, January 17, 2020

Expanded Now

Out at dawn in April snow,
Feet sliding on the hill
Legs, lungs and beating heart

Become aware of a larger beating rhythmic step
In sync,
With a season,
A process,
A weather system’s sweep;
The vast wrap-around Newfoundland and then back down to where I stand


This is where I find myself much larger than first thought.

Clouds and snow moving in service to a greater imperative
Than my step by step impatient climb –

That we are as big as continents
In our containment of large mysteries,

That we reflect the wheel and spin of star systems,

That stepping stones can be the size of decades;

You can open yourself up

To this

In the movement of your

Mind’s eye.

What You Thought

What you thought was solid
is not solid ground,
you feel a sickening slide of subsidence
where you expected strength enough to hold

Firm under you.

It seems that there is something
Unseen underneath
Maybe snakes or rodents that you didn’t know about.

You didn’t know

Snakes maybe or rodents, living furtive sneak-thief,
Right under your feet.

Or rodents maybe, sly-snouted, danger-eyed
Hearts beating baleful

God’s creatures every one

God’s creatures