Saturday, May 30, 2015

Walden Pond

After two days of sight-seeing and travelling, I came to Walden Pond. This is a small lake or large pond near Concord, Massachusetts. It is famous for being the place where Henry David Thoreau lived for a time in a simple cabin which he built and where he wrote his Walden - a wonderful book for those who love the world of ideas and the sharing of experiences through beautiful writing.
If you have read Annie Dillards' Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and enjoyed it, you might like to try reading Thoreau's Walden.

I read Walden when I was in high school and fell in love with the book. I bought a copy that contained images of Walden Pond and have had the intention to visit the place for many years.

So, on a hot, buggy, muggy afternoon, after long hours of driving, I arrived at Walden Pond and was instantly struck by the feel of the place. I suddenly didn't mind the bugs or the threat of rain. I didn't mind that the place was thronged with people. I didn't mind that lingering there would delay my dinner hour. I was suddenly filled with a strange and wonderful feeling of peace and quiet joy.

My travelling companion noticed it too and remarked upon how the 'energy' felt wonderful there. I agreed with her wholeheartedly.

It is no wonder to me now why Thoreau chose to live there. There is no visible outlet or inlet for the water of this very deep pond (over eighty feet deep). The water is crystal clear and feels silky to the touch. It is of an exceptional quality.

The pond has been made a state park and is protected from development. It has naturally sandy shores and a sandy bottom and is popular as a place to swim.

I have never seen a pond with such crystal clear and clean water in it. I am definitely going back to Walden Pond!

Here are some photographs, although they don't do justice to the place.

A forest of pine, oak and maple surrounds the pond on all sides.

Its banks are naturally sandy and it has a feel to it that bring peace into my heart.

This photograph is my attempt to show how clear and clean the water is. Looking down into about 10 centimeters of water.

The hillside is steep above the pond on this side. We climbed up until I was breathless, which didn't take long because of my asthma. Still, you can see how high we are as I looked down onto the pond to take this photograph.

Walden Pond sits in a natural bowl of wooded hills. It is very close to a major highway, but we heard only the sound of cars passing more slowly through the state park as a two lane road brings visitors to the pond.

Garden in the Woods

In Framingham, Massachusetts, USA there is a botanical garden specializing in species native to the northeast of North America. It is maintained by the New England Wild Flower Society.

I spent a few hours there recently. Here are some photographs that I took while I was there.

This is a celandine poppy, or wood celandine. It's not a rare species, but it's cheerful and has medicinal properties, so I like this plant. Its sap is yellow and is said to heal warts.

This is a double flowering trillium at the peak of its bloom and this little inch worm seems quite taken by it.

These are yellow lady slipper orchids at the peak of their blooming. Here in southern Quebec we have a pink lady slipper which is perhaps not quite as showy as these.

These are simple white trilliums, one of my favourite spring flowers and the provincial flower of Ontario.

These are spring phlox and after years of wanting to have this plant in my garden I was able to find and plant some just this year.

This is the flower of an azalea bush and I just happen to have caught it from a particularly pleasing angle. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The Ocean at Dawn

I stayed in Rockport, Massachusetts after spending the afternoon at Sandy Point (see previous post). The next morning I brought out my camera for more images of the northeast coast of the United States.

The sound of the waves was hypnotizing. I only left this spot because I was getting hungry.

I watched swallows as I sat on a rock in this cove.

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this heavenly light shining onto the horizon.

At the Sea Shore

In mid-May, I went to Sandy Point State Reservation in Massachusetts, USA. This is the very tip of a long outer bank - basically a 10 kilometer long sand bank. Most of this area is called Parker River Wildlife Refuge and is a place for migrating birds to rest and for other species of birds and wildlife to nest and raise their young.

Here are some images from the afternoon that I spent there.

The rocks were such beautiful colours!

The sand was purple.

This beach is a place where nature litters. This is a wild place where people's activities are very limited. Mostly people watch for birds and enjoy the view.

I enjoyed the expanse of sky on this cloudy afternoon. The sound of the waves was so soothing as I walked barefoot in the sand.