The swing of the car round the corner into Sutton
Woman walking with dog on slush
Was suddenly unbelievably perfect
Telephone pole, perfect
Railroad crossing sign, also perfect.
Deeply moved, I swung my
Gaze upward to that line of winter-black arrowhead spruce
trees north of the railroad line
Also radiating waves of perfection,
Like Angel song, like
Divine intervention.
I gasped.
Alone there in the car, driving still, shifting into
I had to breathe slowly, deeply to calm myself, to
Stop the tears of deepest held joy
Everything was perfect. Everything. I looked at
The bumper of the car ahead of me… That too
Radiated the divine perfection of the heavens in all of
their grandeur.
These words are not enough to convey
But they, like the road and the sky and the woman with
her dog,
Although limited
Are perfect.
And this is coming from the heart. This is not
Mind speaking to you.
This was all in the heart and is still.
It becomes all that I am -the
Perception of perfection in all that is.