Saturday, May 30, 2015

Garden in the Woods

In Framingham, Massachusetts, USA there is a botanical garden specializing in species native to the northeast of North America. It is maintained by the New England Wild Flower Society.

I spent a few hours there recently. Here are some photographs that I took while I was there.

This is a celandine poppy, or wood celandine. It's not a rare species, but it's cheerful and has medicinal properties, so I like this plant. Its sap is yellow and is said to heal warts.

This is a double flowering trillium at the peak of its bloom and this little inch worm seems quite taken by it.

These are yellow lady slipper orchids at the peak of their blooming. Here in southern Quebec we have a pink lady slipper which is perhaps not quite as showy as these.

These are simple white trilliums, one of my favourite spring flowers and the provincial flower of Ontario.

These are spring phlox and after years of wanting to have this plant in my garden I was able to find and plant some just this year.

This is the flower of an azalea bush and I just happen to have caught it from a particularly pleasing angle. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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